Let’s talk about how awesome my husband is for a minute. I had my wisdom teeth out today. He did not complain at all. He drove me to the dentist, waiting the 15 minutes it took them to remove them and has sacrificially taken 4 whole days off work. LOL!
Just kidding! He has been awesome though! He went and filled my prescriptions for me and he has gone back and forth from the store several times today to pick up various soups and other foods that would be good on my mouth. I thought that making rice pudding would be great for wisdom teeth removal because it would be soft and cold. I did not think about the little rice particles getting stuck in the holes that will now exist in my mouth for several weeks.
I am officially out of workouts for 1 week to let everything heal. I cannot hold my 1 year old for 24 hours until all the anesthesia officially wears off. All of this is no fun for someone that likes to workout now. I am very happy that I have been able to learn to love working out. Since I have been sick for the last week and a half I will be officially 2 and a half weeks without working out by the time I am healed. This stinks but I will get over it. So please forgive me for the not workout related talk for the next week but unfortunately I will not have many healthy meals ahead of me, mostly soups and ice cream for this girl for the next couple of days.
Until next time.