Category: Sweaty Selfies

22 Minute Hard Corps Round 1 Day 24

Today was Resistance 1. I was able to complete all of today with my 8 pound weights instead of having to switch to the 5 pound weights for the last round. I was also able to do some regular modified push-ups instead of having to drop to my knees for all of them. I'll never get stronger if you don't push yourself right? Onward to tomorrow!

22 Minute Hard Corps Round 1 Day 23

Today was Cardio 2 and Core 1. I actually had plans tonight so me and Jonathan did the workouts together. Working out earlier in the day and close to eating was apparently a bad idea. I was able to complete these workouts but had a hard time with the frog burpees and gorilla crawls. I ended up marching in place for some of this. I can't wait for another day!

22 Minute Hard Corps Round 1 Day 22

Today was my first day for Resistance 3. What?! It was super difficult! First, those weight jumping jack push-up things. Then Mountain Squats. The one thing I definitely like about this program is there’s not really a modifier. The modifications are usually the same move just maybe without a weight or slightly lower into the lunge.

I may have injured my wrist during the mountain squats. We’ll have to see how they are feeling tomorrow. I can’t wait to see what else this program brings!

The Transform App Weight Loss Level 2 Day 43

This workout was intense. Squat Thrusts, Commander Push-ups and Jumping Jacks. I never think a workout is going to be super hard until I start going. You were to do it in 4 rounds decreasing by 5 each round with 10 jumping jacks at the end of each round. It was hard from the beginning starting off with 20 of each. I am glad that I can see my body improving from all of these workouts. I am glad that I am able to eat on this meal plan without much issue. Overall I am just glad for this app coming out, I truly changed the game for me.

22 Minute Hard Corps Round 1 Day 19

Today was Cardio 1 and Special Ops Core. It is the weekend before shark week for me so my body is pretty much telling me it needs more rest. I did push play but during the core workout I didn't do all of the reps required. I did 88 hollow rocks this morning that already had my abs sore. I enjoy the challenge of these shorter workouts and I never feel too exhausted at the end like I have with some longer workouts.

The Transform App Weight Loss Level 2 Day 40

Today was a Tabata workout. 20 seconds on 10 seconds off. It was definitely a total body workout. I really enjoy these type workouts because I feel like I get a short break between the work as opposed to a chipper where I feel like I should knock it out as fast as possible. Overall I am glad for my BCAAs to help with my muscle soreness.

22 Minute Hard Corps Round 1 Day 17

Today was Cardio 2 and Core 1. I made the mistake of taking my pre-workout and then waiting 2 whole hours before actually doing the workout. I was questioning whether my pre-workout does a whole lot of good but, as I dragged my butt through those two workouts I can definitely say it helps with something. On to another day!

The Transform App Weight Loss Level 2 Day 38

Today was a Rounds for Time workouts. 8 rounds consisting of 8 leg levers, 6 squat thrusts, and 4 dive bombers. Anything that is kinda like a push-up still causes me issues but I really don’t mind the dive bombers, especially when you are only doing a few of them. Overall, the workout took me just under 9 minutes to complete.