It’s Garden Time!

It’s Garden Time!

We have been talking about wanting a garden for as long as I can remember. Eventually we would like to move onto some land and have a large garden but for now, we live in a residential area and wanted to do what we could as far as a garden goes.

Back in May, we started out by making the raised beds, filling with dirt, and planting ALL THE SEEDS entirely out of season. There wasn’t a whole lot of expectation as far as things producing since everything was planted at the wrong time. We waited, and eventually had to pull everything out thanks to it not producing (no surprise). Now, we have entered into the correct season for things to start being planted for fall.

You can check out a gallery from beginning to now below but currently planted includes pole beans, corn, cantaloupe, pumpkin, marigold, nasturtium, okra, tomato, bell pepper, basil, and hot peppers (the last 3 having been planted today).