I knew I would be really spotty with my posting. It’s not a new problem with me and blogging. I have other things to maintain and try to keep all of my categories on their specific blogs. It’s a thing.
We are still in the middle of the pandemic, which I don’t think is technically a pandemic anymore. More information is found out every day, more crazies make their videos and posts every day, and move people don’t fact check and share blindly.
Life has gone on. We finished our bathroom remodels, we have continued with the garden growing, and we have been fighting pests there.
Jonathan is still working, which we are thankful for during this time. Since I work from home on the regular, none of this has affected whether or not I can go to work.
At the end of the day, I think everyone is ready for life to go back to normal. We all want life to go back to how it was pre-pandemic. Parents and children are unsure how school will go on this year. It’s time for life to start getting normal, whatever we might have considered our normal before.
We all push through and move on but it’s weird to remember a time before having to wear a mask to get groceries. It’s weird to remember a time when you didn’t have one or two things that were just sold out for no reason at the grocery store. It’s weird to remember not having to stay home day after day after day just in case.
But how was your time?