Okay, so I’ve had blogs for years. I’ve had blogs on multiple platforms. Usually it’s just my ramblings, what’s going on in life, whatever the case may be. I am VERY spotty with when I post. I go back and forth on posting lots and not at all. It’s been this way since I was 16.
I spent some time at the beginning of this year collecting all of my posts from previous blogs, old journals, and current ramblings in one place. Here. I wanted ONE place I could go and just carry on. I have hidden the category with my teenage ramblings, no one needs to be subjected to that.
I try to keep it clean but sometimes life gets frustrating and you just need to vent somewhere lest you explode, I hide those posts too, it’s a lot.
I have two separate blogs I also maintain with different points of my life.
www.operationfindmyabs.com is all about my weight loss journey and what’s going on there.
www.letsgetdebtfree.com is all about my family’s debt free journey and usually gets updated weekly.
Life happens, life has to move on. Different people cope different ways, I am one that brushes everything off. I rarely get stressed but when I do, it usually results in migraines, possibly tears. Getting my thoughts somewhere usually helps but as you may notice, the posts are infrequent. When I have something to say, I say it.
I hope to continue keeping this updated and will continue to do what I need to do to move forward!